Alianza Francesa Cali Colombia
In 2024, Kim Lang got invited by the Alianza Francesa Cali Colombia as part of their celebration of the COP16 to showcase two of his bodies of work in their institution: Odyssey of Reconnection & Nations of the Atlantic
Odyssey of Reconnection is a personal project that explores the artist’s connection to his fatherland: Cabo Verde. The evolution of Cabo Verde as a nation speaks for the wider dialogue of culture and how it travels and evolves. Being birthed of both European and African ancestors through a colonial past, Cabo Verde has formed a uniquely authentic culture reminiscent of traits along the Americas. It thus blurs the lines of identity and puts to question where one cultural identity stops and another begins.
Nations of the Atlantic explores the ocean as a vessel to connect cultures, and focusses on the universal experience of places that rely on the sea for their everyday lives. It shifts the attention to small island nations, often overlooked in the greater discussion of climate change.
Odyssey of Reconnection
Nations of the Atlantic
Avenida 6 Norte # 21N-34,
Barrio Versalles, Santiago de Cali
Exhibition open
17th October until 15th December 2024
Produced by